Saturday, June 6, 2009

oops, she did it again!

My day off was yesterday so where did I go? The bookstore, of course! And what did I buy there? A travel guide to Chicago (at the end of the summer, maybe?) and Martha Stewart's Cupcakes by you know who. The Book Besotted Librarian and I have been discussing this book for months. It's pub date was June 2 so I headed for B&N after work on the 2nd and they did not have it!!!!! I had to wait 3 whole days before getting my frosting-encrusted hands on this book. Harumph.
I am hopelessly devoted to her cookie cookbook and I foresee a similar devotion to Cupcakes. The salted caramel chocolate cupcakes are eating away at my baking curiousity at this very moment! I did a quick flip through the book and was pleased with what I saw. Floating Lush (my reference desk cohort today) is encouraging me to try many recipes and bring them to work. I just may have to do that!


The Floating Lush said...

I love cupcakes, and will happily try any you bring in.

As long as there's nothing gross (like coconut) on/in them.


Donell said...

Yes, yes, Bring on the cupcakes!