Saturday, September 13, 2008

he's a keeper

I was snuggled up on the sofa last night with a pile of children's nonfiction, ready to lose myself for an hour when, of course, the phone rang. I was sociable and conversational but I really wanted to get back on the sofa and read, after all I was in the middle of Steve Jenkins' newest book Sisters & Brothers: sibling relationships in the animal world.

Steve Jenkins is my children's nonfiction author hero. His books are full of odd little bits and pieces of information, are beautifully illustrated with torn paper illustrations and kids love them!
I can always get the curious child to take a Steve Jenkins book once they're seen the cover. His artwork is very simple but has a lifelike feel--his animals have expression and vigor, you want to get to know them.

I was first introduced to him with What do you do with a tail like this? I loved the book so I thought I would try it in 4*5*6 storytime. I had a group of 4 and 5 year olds hanging on every word and not letting me turn the page until each picture had been examined in minute detail. A winner for sure.

My other favorites are:
Dogs and cats
Living color (colorful illustrations set my little quilting heart aflutter)
Actual Size
Prehistoric Actual Size (T. rex's claw in real life is more than a bit intimidating)

Check out his website and check out his books, too.

1 comment:

Donell said...

Those Actual Size books are so cool! Good suggestions!